GooClass Site Hosting Optimization





GooClass Site Hosting Optimization

Project Duration

3 months


  • Consultation
  • Cloud Infrastructure / DevOps Process Enhancement

    Going Through Technical Hassle Before Creating Great Content

    gooclass is a website with vision to popularize general science, technology, and modern psychology knowledge to public. It is a website built with wordpress with contents submitted by numerous authors. They started building audience and reaching 10k+ pageviews per day by 2015.

    Their host started showing signs of lagging with this volume of traffic. The website owner has to self-learn server optimization techniques and look for ways to make the website fast yet cost-effective.


    Pushing Code To The Remote Repository Just Works

    After looking at their current traffic pattern, we realize the bottleneck is on a lot of database access when loading a page. So we implement the following optimization for our client:

    • Implement a better caching mechanism in wordpress so not every page load hit the database.
    • We move the project to our in-house developed PaaS platform, CNPaaS, a platform that hosts web-app in a robust, fault-tolerant, and scalable way. The system will assign a container (similar to a virtual server) to the app. When it detects usage peak, it will automatically spawn up another container to serve the content. When the resources demand decrease (meaning lower traffic volume), it scales back down to save cost.


    Now Our Client Could Focus Back On Creating Great Content

    The client is happy about the overall performace of the web application at all time now, even on afternoon and weekend period when traffics are relatively high. The cost of this intelligent infrastructure configuration is also much less than what the client initially expected.

    They are now worry-free about the infrastructure, and is focusing on getting good contents and authors on board.

    Yu Fei, Chief Advisor of GooClass
    I am probably one of the early adopters of CNPaaS. For one who don't have much technical knowldge, being able to manage everything in CNPaaS dashboard is a godsend. Their staff also give us advice on our project. It is unlikely to find such level of attentiveness with existing monthly hosting services.
    on GooClass Site Hosting Optimization