Remailder - Transforming E-mails to Task Reminders





Remailder - Transforming E-mails to Task Reminders

Project Duration

8 weeks


  • Consultation
  • Web App Development
  • UI / UX Design

    How to make e-mail Intelligent and Resend itself to Remind Busy People?

    Remailder is a Hong Kong startup that see emails are increasingly used for sending/assigning action items to receivers. They have a vision of building an intelligent reminder system using email as the interface.

    They want to build an intelligent email parsing engine that work on any type of email client to build a wide customer bases. Before concretizing on their development team, they are looking for a solution provider who could develop the prototype and test the market feedback.


    Building a Smart E-mail Engine with easy-to-follow Rulesets


    After discussing with our client on the rules they have in mind, we identified they want the email to remind people along two dimensions: at a certain time interval, to a certain set of people.

    With Remailder, users could cc their email to their unique remailder email address, assigned by our system during their registration. The backend email engine would parse the address such as ''. The email will be sent out again from remailder after 7 days, and sent out to the recipients specified in the 'cc' field. They could accept other value such as '-to', '-bcc', etc.



    Product launched in 8 weeks, ready for customer validation and pitching

    We have a tight collaboration together with our client in discussing from high level design to what to delivered in every weekly sprint. Finally we are able to launch the prototype in 8 weeks after the engagement. They are happy with the overall efficiency, and could use this solution to quickly engage users and investors for feedback.